Eye injections
Preserving Eye Vision Using Intravenous Injections
For those with intense optical illnesses like watery macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and retinal vein occlusions, intravitreal eye injections have been a lifesaver in medical care. Before these treatments became widely available, these diseases sometimes caused irreparable blindness. However, patients are now capable of effectively safeguarding their eyesight because of the emergence of remedies such as Avastin, Lucentis, Eylea, and Vabysmo.
Intravenous Eye Injections: Pain Complications
A usual uneasiness among patients is whether they will feel pain during the operation. It’s crucial to understand that the eye is numbed using anaesthetic drops, making the procedure of acquiring an intravitreal eye injection in Hervey Bay almost pain-free. This technique guarantees that the cure is as comfortable as feasible.
Frequency of Intravitreal Eye Injections
Treatment generally commences with monthly injections until the situation stabilises, which normally occurs within a few months. After achieving control over the disease, the frequency of the injections can be reduced. In some cases, if the injections are successfully spaced out every three or four months, it may become possible to consider discontinuing them altogether.